Friday, June 13, 2008

good news, bad news

ring sling
Originally uploaded by
girlwithgreencard and fabric!

Good news:
The ring sling has been completed! I used Amy Butler fabric (bought on Etsy) and this pattern. The rings are from I had some minor issues with the smaller pleating, but overall, this was an easy-peasy project, which made it ever so much more fun to work on.

latest finished project
I got inspired looking at chickpea sewing's sidebar and promptly followed two of her super-easy tutorials. Voila: two cloth diapers turned burp cloths and a reversible bib to go with either of them.
(I slightly altered the bib pattern: instead of cotton fabric and terry cloth, I used cotton quilt batting and two layers of cotton fabric, making the whole shebang reversible. Also, I had bought flat diapers, not prefolded ones, so I had to add the folding, which wasn't all that tricky. Next time, I'll buy the prefold diapers for this project because the seams of the diapers weren't all that straight, which made the folding look sort of messy.)

Bad news:
Right after finishing these projects, MY SEWING MACHINE BROKE. I took it to the shop, where they told me that it would take up to a week and a half to fix, and that they would probably need to order a part, which puts the repair cost in the $200 range. *sigh* I was pretty literally distraught for the rest of the day - those lovely pregnant hormones make "dealing with stuff" NOT EASY.
Now I will most likely have a baby before I'll have my machine back. Which? *sigh* but also YAY! BABY!


Mel said...

Rats! (about the machine)
Yay! (about the baby)

I tried making a sling carrier for one of my cats last year. It did not go well. (He was sick and going on vacation with us. This is not something I normally do (or recommend).)

Anonymous said...

wow... a handmade sling.... you are my new sewing Love the fabric. Cant wait to see what you whip up for your man.

lera said...

I'm happy to hear you got your machine back already! And, dang! That baby is comin' soon, girl!! Good luck. I'll be thinking about you.